Over 400ft Flying Site Permits


Under the LMA’s Article 16 operating authorisation, LMA members can fly model aircraft under 7.5kg over 400ft above the ground.

For model flying clubs whose LMA members wish to fly large model aircraft over 7.5kg over 400ft above the ground, the LMA can permit that activity under the LMA’s Article 16 operating authorisation.

The permit can apply to model aircraft 7.5kg – 25kg and over 25kg and a flying height limit above ground level of 1500ft is the maximum that can be requested.


Application Process

What we need to consider the application is-

  1. The name of the model flying club
  2. The name and contact details of the club nominated responsible person
  3. The location of the flying site
  4. A colour 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map extract that must clearly show the layout of the site including:
    1. Boundaries of the flying Area(s)
    2. Any specific no‐fly areas
  5. A rationale* and safety case** for the requested operation of large model aircraft over 400ft
  6. Fully completed Flying Site risk assessment (template here)
  7. Maximum altitude above ground level requested for flying large model aircraft
  8. Type of operation Regular / Occasional / One‐off
    1. If occasional or one‐off permission requested, the dates of the planned flying activity

To apply please complete the form below.  If any help or advice is needed please contact secretary@largemodelassociation.com

    7.5kg-25kgOver 25kg

    PermanentOccasionalOne Off

    * Rationale – Reason / Justification

    Simply, why does your club want the permit?

    It needs to be specific to your club and location, but as an example can be something along the lines of-

    We wish to operate model aircraft over 7.5kg over 400ft to allow gliders to be towed to an adequate launch height for soaring and to allow sufficient altitude for the safe performance of aerobatics with large model aircraft.

    ** Safety Case

    Your safety case for having a permit explains in general terms how you’re going to safely fly model aircraft over 7.5kg over 400ft at your club flying site. It’s at a higher level than the risk assessment and covers all that the club will do to manage safety.

    It needs to be specific to your club and location, but as an example can be something along the lines of-

    Our safety case is that we will ensure and manage the safety of operating large model aircraft over 400ft at Little Itchington MFC by-

    • Reviewing the airspace proposed to be flown in to ensure that operations above 400ft would not lead to frequent proximity with manned aircraft (such as in a low‐level corridor, in a ‘pinch point’ between blocks of controlled airspace or in an area of intense low‐level manned aircraft activity.
    • Carrying out a risk assessment to ensure all foreseeable risks of the operation are identified and mitigations defined as necessary
    • Defining operational rules & procedures to embody the necessary mitigations
    • Ensuring all members are aware of the risk assessment, rules and procedures
    • Identifying a club officer who is responsible for ensuring that the rules and procedures are being followed and reviewing the safety of the operation as necessary
    • Reviewing the safety case at least annually to ensure that operations of large model aircraft over 400ft continue to be carried out safely

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