Cosford 2012

Report by Tony Hooper,  All Photographs were provided by Neil Hutchinson


Very few members except for those on the LMA Committee like myself know how much work our Chairman Dave Johnson puts in to keep the LMA running to the highest standard. In the winter he is almost part time – in the summer he is virtually full time! – and all this is done without payment and sometimes without appreciation. What has this to do with Cosford 2012 you may ask – well having made preliminary arrangements for this 20th Anniversary show early in 2012 the LMA Committee we were told at very late notice that we would have to cancel the show because the Queen was coming to Cosford as part the Jubilee celebrations.
In typical dogmatic style our Chairman hastened to Cosford and demanded “Queen or no Queen we want another date for our show as this was the 20th Anniversary show”. Fortunately common sense and a level of diplomacy prevailed so we managed to get an alternative date later in the month of July.

Thank goodness this was achieved because without doubt , this was the biggest and best Cosford we have ever had. Not only did we have a large number of models – over 100 – but we also had the largest number of Over 20kg models ever assembled at an LMA event and the variety and mix provided a spectacular display all over the weekend. What else was special about it – oh yes – we had the best weather all summer with light winds straight down the runway (almost a first for Cosford) and an enormous crowd both days comprised of a public who were glad to have a decent weekend of summer weather to enjoy. By the beginning of Saturday morning we even had over 200 public caravans booked in to the see the show. This excellent attendance was also “manna from heaven” for the 60 traders who attended the show as they have had to battle against all the odds during this poor summer to keep their businesses going.

So what can we say about the flying – well it is almost impossible to know where to start as there were so many excellent displays. It is best to let Neil Hutchinson’s fantastic pictures to show you most of the action but as it is the Large Model Association show let’s start with the large models which so impressed the crowd. In this context we have to start with the largest model at the show – Greg Hayfield’s Pitts Python. This was the first LMA show appearance of this model which is 87% (yes that’s right) 87% scale which gives it a wingspan of 5.3m and weighs in at a hefty 138kg. Powered by 650cc microlight engine with a 3 blade prop this aircraft looked full size in the air as Greg performed an excellent aerobatic routine.

Only slightly further down the scale was Ian Turney-White’s ½ scale WW1 Hanriot which spans 5.8m and weighs 88kg – all this is powered aloft by another microlight engine with a capacity of 435cc. Ian did some wonderful WW1 style aerobatics with this aircraft in true scale style. This flying style description also applies to John Townsend with his Miles Magister WW2 RAF trainer. John’s model is also ½ scale , has a wingspan of 5.18m , weighs 73kg and is powered by a 250cc in line 2 cylinder engine built especially for this model. John first flew this aircraft at Cosford in 2000 and has flown it in every Cosford LMA show since that time.

Moving into the jet era a special mention must be made of Steve and John Ricket’s DH108 Comet. This aircraft first appeared at Cosford in 2004 and has also been a regular flier at this event. With a wingspan 0f 4.57 m and an all up weight of 45kg it looked majestic in the air flying around in true scale fashion powered by 2 Jetcat 120 turbines. Steve gave several displays throughout the weekend. Making it’s debut at Cosford was the English Electric Lightning built by Ted Allison. This aircraft took 6 years to make and at ¼ scale it spans 2.7m but it is nearly 4m in length!. It was flown in a very scale like manner by Dave Johnson and in a “cold war tribute” it was accompanied by the Victor V bomber flown by Andy Johnson.

A stalwart of Cosford for many years was Roy Salter who was always accompanied by Joan his wife. Roy and Joan were responsible for the tremendous success of the LMA Journal for a total of 100 editions before they retired from the editorial post. Sadly Joan died earlier this year but Roy attended Cosford on Saturday and as a tribute to Roy and Joan Tony Hooper and Dave Johnson flew two large aircraft that Roy had built. Tony flew the BAC Drone which was built by Roy 20 years ago so it was very appropriate that it should be flown at the 20th Anniversary of Cosford. The aircraft is ½ scale and has a 20’ wingspan – it is powered by a Zenoah 74cc twin engine with a pusher prop. Dave Johnson flew Roy’s Bleriot – this was built to ½ scale by Roy in 2003 and is powered by 3w 140cc engine.

The LMA is fortunate to have a number of very experienced teams who fly regularly all around the country during the summer. These include the TJD warbirds team who always give an exceptional display, the Catton quarter scale WW1 Team who always seem to cope with the most awful flying conditions despite the fragility of their aircraft , the North London Model Club warbird team, and last but not least the Yorkshire Old F!x!’s who are never deterred by the conditions despite their combined age of over 250 years!!

How good it was to see so many attend the Saturday social evening entertainment provided by the excellent rock band and to watch the most fantastic late evening aerial pyrotechnic display given by the Wrekin Gliding Club Fox glider who carried out aerobatics all the way down from 3000’ creating a kaleidoscope of colour in the late evening sky.

I apologise for not mentioning everyone because there were many , many more pilots and aircraft who helped to make this such an outstanding show. Needless to say a special thanks must go to the unsung heroes – those members who work behind the scenes to ensure that the traders, campers, and the flight line is well organised and safe. It was appropriate that the fliers and these helpers should be presented with a special momento clock in recognition of the success of the 20th Anniversary show of LMA Cosford.

Please click image to enlarge.

Steve & Mat Bishop,known as the Red Duo, put on a stunning display Saturday, this was flying at it’s best.

The largest model at the show – Greg Hayfield’s Pitts Python. This was the first LMA show appearance of this model which is 87% scale which gives it a wingspan of 5.3m and weighs in at a hefty 138kg.

Ian Turney-White’s ½ scale WW1 Hanriot which spans 5.8m and weighs 88kg – all this is powered aloft by another microlight engine with a capacity of 435cc.

John Townsend with his Miles Magister WW2 RAF trainer. John’s model is also ½ scale , has a wingspan of 5.18m , weighs 73kg and is powered by a 250cc in line 2 cylinder engine.

Steve and John Ricket’s DH108 Comet. This aircraft first appeared at Cosford in 2004 and has also been a regular flier at this event. With a wingspan 0f 4.57 m and an all up weight of 45kg it looked majestic in the air.

Making it’s debut at Cosford was the English Electric Lightning built by Ted Allison. This aircraft took 6 years to make and at ¼ scale it spans 2.7m but it is nearly 4m in length!

A“cold war tribute” Victor V bomber flown by Andy Johnson was accompanied by the English Electric Lightning of Ted Allison flown by Dave Johnson.

Steve Holland’s 40% Bronco from Tony Nijhuis, Steve shows just how versatile and aerobatic this fighter/bomber is.

A stalwart of Cosford for many years was Roy Salter. Tony flew the BAC Drone, built by Roy 20 years ago along with Dave Johnson who flew the Bleriot – this was built to ½ scale by Roy in 2003.

Another Familiar sight to Cosford over the years is Swindon Model Club’s, Hercules.

The LMA is fortunate to have a number of very experienced teams who fly regularly all around the country during the summer. These include the TJD warbirds team, the Catton quarter scale WW1 Team.

The North London Model Club warbird team, and last but not least the Yorkshire Old Fart’s who are never deterred by the conditions despite their combined age of over 250 years!! So there you have it, this was just a taste of the variety of models on display at what has to be one of the best Cosfords in years.

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