East Kirkby 2010

East Kirkby Event 2010 Report by Tony Hooper, All Photographs were provided by Neil Hutchinson

Historic Airfield

Our event at East Kirkby in 2009 received such good feedback that we were asked both by the Panton brothers and the LMA membership if we could hold another event there in 2010.
As there was nothing planned for the Easter Bank Holiday it was decided that we would try and accept the “vagaries” of our typical Bank Holiday weather and take a chance at East Kirkby.

The Lincolnshire Air Museum site is extremely well laid out for our type of event – excellent caravan facilities and a flying site large enough to accept the misgivings of a misjudged approach or landing which we all tend to suffer from in the early part of the season following the long winter lay-off – this winter seemed exceptionally long and cold! The other main benefit to the LMA is that we are – like Duxford – an added attraction to everything the Museum has to offer in it’s own right. This enables the event to be run professionally but in a more informal manner than our normal public event so everyone is able to relax a little more and take time to “tinker” with all those niggly problems that result from a winter lay off.

The weather on the first day (Saturday) although rather windy was very good and the size of the strip made a landing slightly crosswind very straightforward. Although Sunday was not a flying day there was the opportunity to have a flight at the local club field just down the road, or do as many members did, take a ride round east Lincolnshire and take in the places of local interest. Although the weather on Monday was a bit disappointing everyone went home having enjoyed a relaxing weekend. It was good to see a few traders there – perhaps Terry of SM Services summed it up for them when he said that they had come to have a free holiday and if “they took a few bob” then that was a bonus. There was a very good selection of models and the photos taken by Neil Hutchinson appearing here tell their own story.

We have been asked to return again next year – bear in mind that we had to close the entries well before the event so if you want to come get that application in as early as you can!

Please click image to enlarge.

Dave & Andy Johnson plus George Shone, entertaining the crowds with their Lancaster’s, a fitting tribute to this Heritage Museum.

Andy Wynn, beating up the airfield as usual, he just can’t resist.

Ted Allison put on a lovely display with his Hurricane; we don’t see enough of this unsung hero at the shows.

Not forgetting our American friends, Phil Robertshaw, with his B17 “DAY’S PAY”

Andy Wynn, once again beating up the sky’s with the B17’s little friend. The Mustang.

Fine display from Richard Scarborough with his F7F Tiger cat.

New for this year’s shows is Steve Ricketts M39b Libellula, it certainly turn a few heads.

Dave Johnson Dakota, this was one of the crowd’s favourite and mine too.

The G-bee racing team, entertained the crowd all day with their fantastic display.

Andy Wynn, with his Pits S12, showing that he doesn’t only fly WWII Fighters.

Andy Johnson’s Bede made famous in the James Bond Film Octopussy.

Another one of Andy Johnson’s Jets, Sorry Andy don’t know the name of this one.

The Hawker Hind, this is a lovely model, built and flown by Roger Bail.

Just to give you a taste of the verity of planes that was flown, here are a few of the remaining aircraft.

if you have never been to East Kirkby then just take a look at some of the You Tube clips

This is the home of Just Jane NX611 the only museum with a full working Lancaster doing taxi run’s

American Air Day event at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre at East Kirkby.

Whether you believe or not this video is well worth a watch for the story alone.

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