This is the fourth year that this show has been held by the Midlands Large Model Group at the centrally placed Catton Hall close, to Burton-on-Trent. The weather forecast for the weekend was not promising with heavy showers, some prolonged. Thank goodness the weather forecast is frequently wrong! Instead the weather on both days was generally good. On Saturday the rain held off until late in the afternoon once most of the flying had been completed. It then rained all night, but the next day was bright and again the rain held off until quite late in the day. A thunderstorm did unfortunately cause flying to be stopped for about an hour. Still this was nowhere as bad as had been forecast and did not spoil a very enjoyable weekend.
Many of the usual planes were present and, as always, high standards of flying and safety were exhibited. The photographs below give an idea of the range of aircraft present.
Please click image to enlarge.
The Johnson’s with their B17’s
Roger Bale (hands behind his back) describing the features of his 20% scale Sea Otter.
Tony Fisher (left) having just started his Old Tiger racer.
The commentary was done by Tony Hopper and assisted by Emily Knight. Tony did an excellent job combining informative information about the models and the full-size aircraft.
The very important task of transmitter control was left to the capable and experienced hands of Dave and Shelia Hayfield.
There was also a good representation of traders so visitors could stock up on their modelling goodies.
Now for some more pictures of models………..
Steve Holland’s 50% scale Comet.
Ken Bones’ Corsair. The aircraft was built from a Jim Meister plan and is powered by a Zenoah 62cc engine.
Steve Holland’s Gee-Bee racer and Dave Johnson’s turbine powered Kangaroo.
Gordon Nichols’ 33% scale Mosquito on landing approach.
Paul Mott’s 33% Cub.
Gordon Nichols’ with his B29.
Simon Stegal’s Skyraider. Built from a Bob Holman plan and powered by a Zenoah 80cc twin.
Dave Johnson’s 20% DC3 is a regular visitor at LMA events.
A nice feature on Sunday was the invitation to the visiting youngsters to go onto the flightline and join in a competition with some chuck gliders. A prize was awarded to the one which went the furthest.
Dough Rigby owns this unusual Tipsy Nipper.
The show is not a competition, but the organisers awarded trophies to show their appreciation to the pilots. All pilots were given an engraved pen. Trophies were presented by Pete Siggins, Chairman of the Midlands Large Model Group and Tony Fisher, Chairman of the LMA.
Presentations were made to:
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