What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this event? Great site, great place, just a great event. This year I managed to be there early for a change. Friday saw the usual busy day with campers and traders arriving and the occasional sound of a model plane being tested etc…
Here comes the rain again
Saturday dawned a bright and sunny morning but it wasn’t to last long. The weather deteriorated fast and by lunchtime it was raining. The pilots put on a brave face and flew what they could in not ideal conditions for the public that were in attendance. With the constant showers and now cross wind picking up the show was finally stopped, it is always difficult to do this but safety is paramount. The afternoon didn’t get any better so we ended the day on a bit of a downer.
Breezy like a Sunday morning
Sunday seemed to be starting as Saturday finished; wet and miserable. But just as the bad weather came quickly on the Saturday the good weather came just as quickly on the Sunday, before we could turn around the blue sky appeared and the sun came out. Although brief the day did stayed dry and breezy. As you will see in the pictures the sky and light wasn’t great for photographs, but despite all this the show did go on. The variety of models was wide and the WWI slot proved to be the most entertaining for the crowd. With the ‘can I land it on its wheels or will it nose over’ competition, and the large pyrotechnics display, it was hard to mach.
Also, flying where WWII fighters, bombers and cold war jets. Steve Carr and Robbie Skipton entertained the crowds with their unique acrobatic displays, both having their own style and routine. There was something there for everyone. All this was topped off with some great commentary from our seasoned commentators. The public truly had a great day out, as was judged by the comments that our gate people received. It was a fitting end to what we thought was going to be a washout.
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